Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

How To Create A Breakfast Nook With A Few Items From The Home Improvement Store

Juanita Douglas

If you are looking for a fun and easy way to improve your home, bring back the breakfast nook to the family kitchen. Once a common sight in country kitchens, breakfast nooks were often phased out in modern home designs. However, a breakfast nook is a charming addition to your home that can be used for serving meals, relaxing with a cup of coffee, and also makes a great place for the kids to do homework. 

Choose your space

A breakfast nook can be created in a small area in any kitchen. A corner will work well, but if no corners are available, you can create a breakfast nook along a wall. Placing your nook next to a window will give you plenty of natural light and help define the area.

Create your sitting area

If you are the creative type, you can build a simple bench and table for your breakfast nook with a little lumber and some screws from the home improvement store. If not, you can purchase a small bistro table from the garden section of a home improvement store to use for your seating area. A round table will fit well in a corner space and a rectangle table can be pushed flush against a wall when creating your breakfast nook.

Add a coffee or tea bar

Purchase a small standing bookcase to house a beverage center. If you are short on wall space to place a bookcase, you can set up your coffee or tea bar by purchasing a multi-tiered rolling cart to pull up beside your table. Add an electric tea kettle, coffee maker, and several small, lidded containers for storing coffee, tea, sweetener, treats, etc.

Finishing touches

Find a colorful rug at the home improvement store to place under your table to help define your breakfast nook space. Wall art is a nice addition but should be something simple, such as a wooden word art sign or one simple framed print. A small vase and flowers are all you need for a charming centerpiece for your table.

Once you design your breakfast nook, you will wonder why you waited so long. Whether you want a comfortable space to enjoy your breakfast or just want a quiet place to read a book and sip a cup of tea, a breakfast nook will not disappoint. Created with a few items from a local home improvement store, such as Valu Home Centers, your breakfast nook is sure to be one of your favorite areas of the home.


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Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

One of the things that I always loved about spring as a kid was watching all of the flowers my mother planted suddenly come up from the ground and then bloom into vibrant, beautiful colors. When I bought my own house, one of the first things I wanted to do was plant flowers. What I didn't realize was how hard it could be to figure out what to plant where. From the sun demand to the companion planting guides, it was complicated. I created this site to help others just like me create the flower gardens they always wanted without the struggles that I faced.