Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

The Benefits Of Using A Precast Stone Veneer On Your Home's Exterior

Juanita Douglas

If you are looking to change up the look of your home or increase its curb appeal, you may be thinking about adding natural stone to the exterior of your home. Adding natural stone details on the front of your home can change up the look and color of your home. When you are ready to add these products, you have a decision to make. You can use real stone, a precast stone veneer, or a cast-in-place veneer. There are many benefits to using a precast stone veneer on your home over the other two options. Here are those benefits. 

Using a Precast Stone Veneer Speeds Up the Installation Process

One of the benefits of using a precast stone veneer on your home's exterior is that using a precast stone speeds up the installation process. When you use cast-in-place veneers, a construction company has to mix the material, install it, and allow it to harden or cure. This can take days. When natural stone is used, each stone has to be cut to size and shaped so it fits on your home. If you want the exterior installed quickly, precast stone is a great option. 

A Precast Stone Veneer is the Most Affordable Option

Another benefit to using a precast stone veneer on your home's exterior is that precast stone veneers are typically the cheapest options available. Adding stone siding to your home's exterior can be costly, depending on the type of stone you want. Using a faux or veneer product keeps the cost down, while still providing you with the look you love. 

Using a Precast Stone Veneer Ensures Uniformity

The final benefit of using a precast stone veneer on your home's exterior is that using a precast stone veneer ensures uniformity. A machine produces the veneer, so each piece has the exact same measurements and is uniform in color. This is not something you always get with natural stone. You can see color or size variances. If you want a uniform look to your stone siding, precast stone can give you that uniformity. 

Precast stone veneers are often made from products such as cement or concrete that are then painted to look like natural stone products, such as slate, flagstone, and travertine. However, natural stone can also be added to the precast stone to give it a more natural appearance. Talk to your precast stone supplier to see all of the faux and real precast stone options they have. 


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Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

One of the things that I always loved about spring as a kid was watching all of the flowers my mother planted suddenly come up from the ground and then bloom into vibrant, beautiful colors. When I bought my own house, one of the first things I wanted to do was plant flowers. What I didn't realize was how hard it could be to figure out what to plant where. From the sun demand to the companion planting guides, it was complicated. I created this site to help others just like me create the flower gardens they always wanted without the struggles that I faced.