Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Care For Your Lawn Mower Properly To Extend Its Life

Juanita Douglas

Are you doing everything in your power to ensure that your lawn mower lasts several years before it needs to be replaced? Here, you'll learn how to tend to your mower in a way that will extend the life of the machine to keep it mowing for years to come.

First Use of the Season

Now that spring has finally come, it's time to get that mower out and get it ready for a few months of steady work. The worst thing you can do at this point is to grab the cord and start it up. Before you start the mower up for the year, you must drain last year's fuel, change the oil, and inspect the spark plug. Continuing to use last year's fluids can cause all sorts of problems with the motor.

Sharpen the blades 

If you have a nice, clean, well-groomed yard, your blades shouldn't need sharpening more than once a season. However, if you are constantly cutting rough vegetation or hitting rocks, you'll need to sharpen your blades every few months or more.

Restore Deck Damage

Don't ignore the damage that has occurred to the deck of the mower. Instead, make the repairs before the rust eats away the deck entirely or leaves holes that could allow stuff to shoot up at you while you mow.

To do this, you'll need to drain the fuel from the mower, flip it over, and clean the underside very well using a pressure washer. Then, sand any rust off of the surface. Clean the deck once more to remove debris left behind after sanding. Once dry, spray it with a coat of rust-resistant primer followed by paint.

After Each Use

After you've used your mower, don't allow the wet grass to sit underneath it. Tilt it upwards and use a garden hose to spray the grass out from underneath it. Allowing the wet grass to remain while it's being stored until the next use will cause the deck to rust. It will only take a few minutes to clean up the machine – those few minutes will save you a lot of time in restoration work.

If you are uncomfortable maintaining your own lawn mower, talk with your local lawn mower repair expert. They will assist you with keeping the machine running as it should and cutting the grass evenly for as long as the machine will allow.


2024© Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps
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Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

One of the things that I always loved about spring as a kid was watching all of the flowers my mother planted suddenly come up from the ground and then bloom into vibrant, beautiful colors. When I bought my own house, one of the first things I wanted to do was plant flowers. What I didn't realize was how hard it could be to figure out what to plant where. From the sun demand to the companion planting guides, it was complicated. I created this site to help others just like me create the flower gardens they always wanted without the struggles that I faced.