Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Buy Your Gas Insert At A Specialty Retailer, Not A Big Box Store

Juanita Douglas

When you decide that you want to make your house cozier and perhaps even a little more efficient, you may feel that purchasing a gas insert will accomplish both of these goals. For many people in this situation, visiting their local big box store to buy their gas insert might be their first decision — after all, lots of these retailers sell a variety of gas inserts. The low cost of these products and the convenience of visiting a big box store if there's one just a few minutes from your home can be appealing, but you should also consider visiting a store that specializes in fireplaces, gas inserts, and home heating solutions. Here are some reasons that this is a better choice:

The Sales Staff Are Truly Experts

While a salesperson who helps you at your local big box store may indeed be helpful, the reality is that he or she isn't an expert. In fact, it's probable that this person may know little more about the gas insert that you're trying to buy than what can be read on the box. Conversely, those who may be assisting you at a specialty retailer are truly experts. In many cases, they'll go through training from various product manufacturers, which means that they'll be able to give you the detailed knowledge that you need to make an informed choice about which gas insert to buy.

The Products Are Higher Quality

There's a reason that the gas inserts you see at your local big box store are likely less expensive than those at specialty retailers — the latter is cheaper. Gas inserts at big box stores often have some obvious shortcuts in design. For example, they may be made of lighter products and their ceramic logs may lack an authentic appearance. Additionally, you'll often find that the warranties on these products at big box stores are shorter. When you buy from a specialty retailer, you'll get a gas insert that looks right, works well, and is covered for a longer period of time.

The Selection Is Superior

Your local big box store may have a handful of gas inserts to peruse, but this number is nowhere near what you'll find at a specialty retailer. In the latter location, you can expect a wider range of products in the store, which will allow you to see and assess a variety of gas inserts to find the right one for you. Additionally, specialty stores can commonly order products directly from the manufacturer, which means that the salesperson may be able to go through an online catalog with you to look at gas inserts that may interest you but that aren't currently carried in the store.


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Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

One of the things that I always loved about spring as a kid was watching all of the flowers my mother planted suddenly come up from the ground and then bloom into vibrant, beautiful colors. When I bought my own house, one of the first things I wanted to do was plant flowers. What I didn't realize was how hard it could be to figure out what to plant where. From the sun demand to the companion planting guides, it was complicated. I created this site to help others just like me create the flower gardens they always wanted without the struggles that I faced.