Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

Considering Reverse Osmosis Filtration? Here Are A Few Questions You Might Have

Juanita Douglas

According to the American Water Works Association, even though 70 percent of the entire surface of the Earth is covered with water, less than one percent is fit for human consumption. This small percentage of water can still contain a lot of substances that can make your family sick, including lead from inside older pipes, bacteria, and fertilizer run-off. If you're considering installing a water filtration system in your home, but don't want to spend a small fortune, reverse osmosis might be the answer. Here are a few frequently asked questions about reverse osmosis water filtration systems:

How Exactly Does Reverse Osmosis Work?

Despite their best efforts, the water supply system found in most cities isn't strong or advanced enough to eliminate every impurity. A reverse osmosis system will remove most these impurities by forcing the water coming into your home through several separate filters.

Typically, there are four different types of filters used to construct a standard reverse osmosis system:

  1. Sediment filter – The water that enters your home is first pushed through a sediment filter, which removes the larger substances and particles, such as dirt.
  2. Carbon filter – Next, the water goes through a carbon filter, which removes the smaller sediments and particles. In addition to helping your water smell and taste better, the carbon filter helps remove small particles that could damage the system.
  3. The reverse osmosis stage – Although it may sound complicated, the reverse osmosis stage is simply another filter that helps remove even more particulates from the water, including salt.
  4. Final filter – Otherwise known as the polishing stage, the final filter helps eliminate any remaining sediments and other substances that can impact the quality of your water.

Reverse osmosis isn't a complicated concept. As a matter of fact, it's been used for decades in desalinization plants around the world.

Where Is the System Installed?

A reverse osmosis system is typically installed under your kitchen sink. Once the water passes through the multiple filters, it is stored in a small tank that is placed under your cabinet. There is an additional spigot that is installed in your sink that allows you to enjoy a fresh glass of water whenever you want.

Don't worry if you don't have much room in your kitchen because the average reverse osmosis system can be fitted in almost every cabinet. In addition to installing a reverse osmosis system under your kitchen sink, you can also have one fitted almost anywhere else in your home, from the basement and master bathroom to your refrigerator.

What Are A Few Substances That Cannot Penetrate a Reverse Osmosis Filter?

Once again, a reverse osmosis system utilizes a series of filters to remove a variety of substances. Here are just of the few potentially harmful elements it can remove from your drinking water, including:

  • Salt
  • Dirt
  • Sediment
  • Silt
  • Lead
  • Pesticides
  • Fluoride
  • Chlorine

These are a handful of substances that a reverse osmosis filtration system eliminates from your family's drinking water.

Is A Reverse Osmosis System Hard to Maintain?

Once the professional installs the system in your kitchen, it's very easy to care for your reverse osmosis filters. To ensure they remain as effective as possible, it's important to change the separate filters on a regular schedule.

In addition, it's vital to also have the water tested periodically throughout the year. This is a simple process that can be done by a professional, or you can do it yourself. Some models also come equipped with a tester, which will help ensure your family is always drinking the highest possible quality of water.

A reverse osmosis filtration system is a great way to enjoy fresh-tasting water and to protect your family from the contaminants found in most water. If you have any more questions about these systems, don't hesitate to contact a professional at a company like Anderson Water Systems


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Flower Planting 101: Simplifying Your Planting Maps

One of the things that I always loved about spring as a kid was watching all of the flowers my mother planted suddenly come up from the ground and then bloom into vibrant, beautiful colors. When I bought my own house, one of the first things I wanted to do was plant flowers. What I didn't realize was how hard it could be to figure out what to plant where. From the sun demand to the companion planting guides, it was complicated. I created this site to help others just like me create the flower gardens they always wanted without the struggles that I faced.